Today is a big day in our household. Not only is it Father's Day but it's our oldest daughter's birthday. Yes, 11 years ago we had our first bundle of joy on Father's Day. I wonder where the time has gone. It has just seemed to fly by.

Fifteen months later our second bundle of joy in the form of our second daughter came along.

Fifteen months later our second bundle of joy in the form of our second daughter came along.

Now having been married for 15 years before we had our first daughter, some of my friends were concerned that DH would not like being out of the spotlight. They could not have been more wrong. DH is the ultimate Dad. From the very first DH was wrapped around the girls fingers and that is still true today. I'm the disciplinarian in the house when it comes to making the girls tow the line and be responsible for their actions. DH is the one that they go to when they want a puppy, kitten or that pair of shoes they know I'll say no to because the heel is just too high.
DH is the one to take the girls out for a father daughter day to the movies and lunch afterwards. DH is the one that calls them at 8 o'clock every night (he works the night shift so I can work at home and be with the girls) to ask them about their day and to say goodnight. He's the one who makes me feel better when business is slow and I feel I'm not making a big enough financial contribution. He always tells me he wouldn't have it any other way (I retired from the phone company when our second daughter was born).
DH is the one that I leaned on completely when within a two year span my parents both died. He provided never wavering support when things got really tough and has stood by me through thick and thin. I don't think that there is a husband or father who has been anymore solid than my DH and the girls father.
My girls are Daddy's girls. They share their hopes and dreams with him and he tells them the sky is the limit. They can do anything they want if they work hard.
The highest compliment I can pay DH is that he is just like my Dad who was always there for me through every trial and tribulation one faces in life. Dad has been gone 7 years now but all I have to do is turn around and look at DH to see the continuing legacy of what a great father is.

So Happy Father's Day to all Dads everywhere. I wish an especially happy Fathers Day to DH and a wonderful awe filled 11th birthday to my oldest daughter. Sweetheart, this is only the beginning of your journey. May it be filled with love and friendship.